Social Equity and Inclusivity

Social equity is becoming an increasingly important issue for cannabis consumers, and businesses in the industry are starting to take notice. According to a survey conducted by Weedmaps, 57% of cannabis consumers believe that everyone should have access to opportunities within the cannabis industry, and that these equal opportunities would benefit everyone. Additionally, 46% of respondents stated that they would like to frequently visit women-owned cannabis businesses, 44% said they would like to support minority-owned cannabis businesses, and 37% indicated that they would like to buy from LGBTQ+-owned businesses.
Halo Pharms is committed to promoting social equity and inclusivity in our business practices. We understand that equity is about impartiality, fairness, and justice for all people in social policy. We believe that everyone should have access to the same opportunities and outcomes, and we are committed to working towards eliminating systemic inequalities within our community.
To achieve this, we will incorporate social equity in our hiring and training policies and seek to empower underserved community members, minorities, women, and low-income residents. We will also prioritize education and training for these groups to ensure that they have the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the cannabis industry. Our goal is to create a more inclusive and equitable cannabis industry, and we believe that by promoting social equity, we can make a positive impact on our community.